(Backrooms Trophy Set)

(Backrooms Trophy Set) 奖杯列表

白1 金6 银14 总21


(Backrooms Trophy Set)

白1 金6 银14 总21

#1 endgame

finish level five this end of game

#2 flashlight

You First flashlight

#3 firstkey

Pick up your first key

#4 secondkey

Pick up your second key

#5 Startcomputer

Start your first computer

#6 wallrun

Your first wall run

#7 Newbie

Complete the first level.

#8 secretroom

Finde the secret room

#9 secretroom2

Find the second hidden room

#10 electricalpanel

Start the electrical panel

#11 Traveler

Successfully navigate second levels, showcasing your ability to survive in unfamiliar conditions.

#12 collectlvlmap

Collect the level map

#13 turnlight

Turn on the light

#14 Specialist

Overcome challenging choices and labyrinthine paths on the three level.

#15 death

Your first death

#16 aquapark

Climb the largest aquapark in backrooms

#17 Explorer

Complete Level 4 by demonstrating your unwavering dedication to research.

#18 personalpc

Launch the program on your personal computer in your office and open the door leading to the offices

#19 collector

Collect 5 keys at level 5

#20 oldsafe

Open a big old safe and be disappointed

#21 frontier

The last frontier in the electrical panel is to open the last closed door, but be careful