Ball Dodge

Ball Dodge 奖杯列表

白1 金9 银3 铜5 总18


Ball Dodge

白1 金9 银3 铜5 总18

#1 Ball Dodge Champion

You managed to dodge a lot of obstacles, it would be nice if you could dodge lifes responsibilities too.

#2 Bad Dodging

Dodge the obstacles, don't hit them!

#3 Whoops!

I said to dodge them, please pay attention.

#4 First Point

You got a point, well done, prety much everyone else has done this too though.

#5 5 Points

You got 5 points in a single game, that is pretty good going!

#6 Dodger

You dodged enough to get a total point value of 50.

#7 Hmmm...

It is great that you consider taking part more important that winning, good on you.

#8 20 Points

20 Points in a single game is pretty good, well done.

#9 Dodge Master

100 total points and still going!

#10 30 Points

30 points in a single game? You really can dodge!

#11 50 Points

50 points in a single game is pretty impressive, in fact it is really impressive.

#12 More Points

Just that little bit more than 50.

#13 Duck and Dive

You can use Duck and Dive instead of the word dodge. Ball Dodge, teaching vocabulary since 2024.

#14 Block Evader

You managed to evade blocks enough to achieve 250 points total.

#15 Ball-Swerver

Swerve away from enough obstables to gain 300 points.

#16 350

350, bit of a boring description and title.

#17 Using A Barge Pole

You may as well be using a barge pole to keep the obstacles away, they aren't coming close! 400 Points total!

#18 Jammy Dodger
