Clutter's Greatest Hits - Collector's Edition

Clutter's Greatest Hits - Collector's Edition 奖杯列表

白1 金6 银11 铜6 总24


Clutter's Greatest Hits - Collector's Edition

白1 金6 银11 铜6 总24

#1 Decluttered

Collect all Trophies

#2 A little help

Use Hint for the first time

#3 Helping hand

Use Hint 30 times

#4 Clean slate

Finish 5 levels

#5 Clear away

Finish 20 levels

#6 Neat and tidy

Finish 50 levels

#7 Organized

Finish 100 levels

#8 Thorough

Finish 250 levels

#9 Spotless

Finish 500 levels

#10 Bookworm

Complete 25 Box quotes levels

#11 Swap Out

Complete 25 Select and swap levels

#12 Slide by

Complete 25 Sliders levels

#13 Bridge the gap

Complete 25 Clutter Gap levels

#14 Puzzled

Complete 25 Jigsaw levels

#15 Self-sufficient

Finish 25 Clutter levels without using hint

#16 Free spirit

Finish 50 Clutter levels without using hint

#17 Maverick

Finish 100 Clutter levels without using hint

#18 Work-life balance

Match 250 pairs cumulatively

#19 Around the clock

Match 1500 pairs cumulatively

#20 All work no play

Match 3000 pairs cumulatively

#21 Swift

Match 5 pairs in less than 15 seconds

#22 Hold Tight

Match 5 pairs in less than 9 seconds

#23 Fast Track

Match 5 pairs in less than 6 seconds

#24 Close call

Finish level with less than 15 seconds left