Achieve all Trophies
First Hint
Obtains on interacting with note behind at the start of the first level
Strange Story
Obtains on interacting with note located on pallets in warehouse with 2 blue doors in level 1
Obtains on interacting with note located on the wall of a metal container with a roof located under the pipe near the empty reels in level 1
Obtains on interacting with note located on pallets near warehouse with 2 blue doors in level 1
Obtains on interacting with note located on pallets in warehouse with green door at the corner of the map
Obtains on interacting with note located on empty reel in warehouse with green door at the corner of the map
Sad Letter
Obtains on interacting with note located on metal beams in warehouse with green door at the corner of the map
Level 1
Obtains on finishing level 1
All Here
Obtains on interacting with note located on metal door in level 2, there is 3 boxes near the door
Obtains on interacting with note located on pallets outside on building
Obtains on interacting with note located on the wall against the exit from building in which player starts level 2
Obtains on interacting with note located on the exhaust pipe on the roof of the building
Silver Key
Obtains on interacting with silver key in level 1
Golden Key
Obtains on interacting with Golden key in level 1
Green Door
Obtains on interacting with green door in level 1
Metallic Door
Obtains on interacting with metallic door in level 2
Level 2
Obtains on finishing level 2
Obtains on killing enemy
Med Kit
Obtains on interacting with medical kit
Level 3
Obtains on finishing level 3
Red Door
Obtains on opening red door in level 1