Top Talont
All Trophies unlocked
Completely Classic
Got 3 stars on all Classic levels
Rio Round Up
Got 3 stars on all Rio levels
Sewing Up Seasons
Got 3 stars on all Seasons levels
Flawless Plumage
Classic Eagled
Rio? Navigated!
Rio Eagled
Aviator for the Seasons
Seasons Eagled
Hard as a Rock
Classic: 100 stalactites smashed
Bird Slinger
Classic: 5,000 birds launched
Egg Hunter
Classic: 10 Golden Eggs found
Feather Collector
Classic: 120 feathers earned
Backward Compatibility
Classic: 10 birds launched in the wrong direction
Classic: 5,000 wooden blocks smashed
Classic: 5,000 stone blocks smashed
Classic: 5,000 ice blocks smashed
Ultimate Bejeweler
Classic: 100 jewels smashed
Space Invader
Classic: Launched Yellow Bird up into space
Wilhelm Tell
Classic: Hit a flying bird with another bird
Bull's Eye
Classic: Got a direct hit on a pig
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Classic: All golden wrenches in Bad Piggies collected
Melon Mania
Rio: All melons collected
Papaya Perfection
Rio: All papayas collected
Apple Appreciation
Rio: All apples collected
Pineapple Purist
Rio: All pineapples collected
Banana Fanatic
Rio: All bananas collected
Birds of the Feather
Rio: Blu and Jewel unlocked
Crate Hater
Rio: 200 crates broken
Feather Fetcher
Rio: 120 feathers earned
Marmoset Terrorizer
Rio: 500 marmosets hit
Avian Liberator
Rio: 700 cages broken
Flower Power
Rio: 100 flowers destroyed
Sharp Shooter
Rio: Level completed with a single bird
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Lights Out
Rio: 10 lamps broken
Pumpkin Smasher
Seasons: 300 pumpkins smashed
Pig Popper
Seasons: 1,000 pigs smashed
Seasoned Slinger
Seasons: 5,000 birds launched
Seasons: 300 presents smashed
Feather Fiend
Seasons: 120 feathers earned
Chocolate Lover
Seasons: 300 chocolate boxes broken
Bunny Hopper
Seasons: 300 bunnies broken
Oops a Daisy
Seasons: 300 flowers broken
Picnic Pooper
Seasons: 300 picnic items broken
Seasons: 300 money piles hit
Cloud Buster
Seasons: 1,500 clouds busted
The Grinch
Seasons: 1,000 presents smashed
Seasons: 1,500 snow blocks smashed
Leprechaun's Secret
Seasons: 300 pots of gold broken
Bunny Hunter
Seasons: 300 piggy bunnies popped
Water Bird
Seasons: Made 500 birds swim
Seasons: 1,000 ghost blocks smashed
Bubble Popper
Seasons: 500 bubbles spawned with Pink Bird
Free as a Bird
Sent all 7 birds out on migration
Winging it
Created a migration tune