Master of the Wastelands
Earn all 50 Trophies
Arts and Crafts
Construct 10 Engineering Items
Construct 50 Engineering Items
Passive Aggressive
Get 3 kills with a single Sentry Bot
Three Birds, One Bomb Car
Kill 3 Enemies with one RC Bomb Car
Keep 'Em Coming
Get 5 kills with one deployed Sentry Turret
Kill 100 Enemies with Sentry Bots, Sentry Turrets, or RC Bomb Cars
Kill an Authority Enforcer during Jetpack descent
Silent But Deadly
Stealth kill 10 Enemies with the Striker Crossbow
Hat Trick
Kill at least 3 Enemies with a single Mind Controlled Enemy
Get 10 Headshot kills with the Wingstick
Open Minded
Get 10 Headshot kills with the Sniper Rifle
Perform all 18 Vehicle Jumps
Gotta Have 'Em All
Collect all Playing Cards on one play-through
Master Chef
Collect all Recipes and Schematics in one play-through
Hardest Deck
Beat Teague's hardest Deck
Roll 4 Targets in the first round of Tombstones
Just a Flesh Wound
Complete the final round of 5 Finger Filet
Complete the final round of Strum
Win all Minigames
Lead Foot
Win a Race in the Campaign
Rage Cup
Win all Races in the Campaign
Demolition Man
Destroy 100 Enemy Cars
It's Good!
Score each of the 3 Field Goals from the ATV
Run over 10 Mutants
Ghost Buster
Complete Ghost Hideout in the Campaign
10-04 16:12
Waste Management
Complete Wasted Garage in the Campaign
10-06 11:21
Complete Mutant Bash TV in the Campaign
It's Alive!
Complete Dead City in the Campaign
Wellness Plan
Complete The Well in the Campaign
Complete Shrouded Bunker in the Campaign
ytiC daeD
Complete Dead City Reverse in the Campaign
Jail Break
Complete Authority Prison in the Campaign
Vault Assault
Complete Gearhead Vault in the Campaign
Power Struggle
Complete Power Plant in the Campaign
Complete Jackal Canyon in the Campaign
Mutie Blues
Complete Blue Line Station in the Campaign
Bringin' Home the Bacon
Earn 750 Dollars in one episode of Bash TV in the Campaign
Mr. Oddjob
Complete 5 Job Board Quests in one play-through
Dev Graffiti
Find the secret Developer Graffiti Room
Hey, not too rough
Finish the Campaign on any difficulty
Hurt me plenty
Finish the Campaign on at least Normal difficulty
Finish the Campaign on at least Hard difficulty
RAGE Nightmare
Finish the Campaign on Nightmare difficulty
Obsessive Compulsive
Reach 100% Completion in the Campaign
The Legend Begins...
Complete a Legend of the Wasteland
Complete all Legends of the Wasteland
A True Legend
Complete a Legend of the Wasteland on Nightmare difficulty
No Room for Sidekicks
Complete a Legend of the Wasteland without any player(s) becoming incapacitated
Fresh Meat
Complete a public Road RAGE match
Get first place in a public Road RAGE match