死星 奖杯列表白1 金3 银8 铜36 总48 PS4 |
106游玩人数 |
Dead Star™ 白1 金3 银8 铜36 总48 |
Earn all available trophies for Dead Star. "Look upon my works and weep." |
Complete the Loadout, Piloting, and Conquest tutorials. "Welcome to The Wastes." |
Kill an enemy player. "The first of many." |
Kill 100 enemy players. "And you shall know me by the trail of dead." |
Kill 500 enemy players. "I am death incarnate." |
Get a Kill Streak of 5. "I figure I could keep doing this all day." |
Get a Kill Streak of 10. "I reckon if you want to keep dying, I'll oblige." |
Assist in 100 enemy kills. "A good friend will help you move. A great friend will help you move a body." |
Reach Ship Level 10 in a match. "Now I know what all these buttons do." |
Reach Pilot Level 10. "Pretty soon, I’ll run this whole joint." |
Reach Pilot Level 50. "Ain't nobody tougher than me." |
Earn the first kill in a match. "Y'all too slow. Also yer dead." |
Earn the Domination Tactical Action. "No mercy for the weak." |
Earn the Payback Tactical Action. "If I die, I'm sure as hell taking you with me." |
Earn Assault, Defense, Shutdown, and Conquest Tactical Actions in a single match. "You see all this? This is MINE." |
Finish a match on the winning team. "Guess there's a new sheriff in town. A sheriff of killin' idiots like you." |
Finish a match on the winning team 50 times. "There ain't another in the 'verse as good as me." |
Earn a Decisive Victory. "We don't just win, we crush skulls." |
Earn 10 Decisive Victories. "We don't just win, we eat souls." |
Upgrade Outposts with 10000 Ore. "So where do you want me to put all this stuff?" |
Capture an Outpost. "Them last folks ain't getting their security deposit back." |
Capture 50 Outposts. "I am the master of all I survey." |
Destroy a home base in Conquest mode. "The last thing they'll see is my smiling face." |
Earn 2000 Kill / Assists points in a single match. "I don't plan on leaving a single one'a them still breathin'." |
Earn 2000 Tactical Action points in a single match. "Everyone has a plan until they get a rocket in the face." |
Earn 2000 Outpost Upgrades points in a single match. "You get all the glory, but I make this heap WORK." |
Earn 2000 Guardian Scrap points in a single match. "That's one more for the scrap heap." |
Earn 2000 Match Bonus points in a single match. "It was a team effort. Mostly." |
Earn every Ace Pilot Reward. "I am the pilot king, I can do anything." |
Destroy a Capital Ship Structure. "Harvest the best, scrap the rest." |
Destroy a Capital Ship. "The bigger they are the harder they fall." |
Successfully complete a Capital Ship Escape Run as the Contract Owner. "Best in the 'verse, guaranteed." |
Kill 100 enemy players with the Marksman. "No need to rush, I brought enough missiles for everyone." |
Kill 100 enemy players with the Bulldog. "I can kill you up close or a mile away. Your choice." |
Kill 100 enemy players with the Vindicator. "I love to watch them burn." |
Kill 100 enemy players with the Razor. "Anyone else want a slice? I'm buying." |
Kill 100 enemy players with the Stalker. "They never see it coming." |
Kill 100 enemy players with the Leviathan. "One shot, one kill." |
Kill 100 enemy players with the Herald. "I am shocked. Shocked that they lived that long." |
Kill 100 enemy players with the Warden. "Look at me, all up in yer business." |
Kill 100 enemy players with the Justicar. "Judge. Jury. And my favorite...Executioner." |
Fly any ship for 10 hours. "Fly all night, don't stop 'til your eyes bleed." |
Craft a component in the Recycler. "What does this button do?" |
Finish a match with a non-default pilot portrait. "Smile for the camera." |
Augment a ship. "What the hell's a samoflange?" |
Fully Augment a ship system. "Now we're cooking with gas. Space gas." |
Reach Augment Level 25 on a single ship. "She's shiny and fast and runs like hellfire." |
Finish a match with a non-default paint style. "I may not know much about art, but I know what I like!" |