10 Wrong Answers

Answered 10 questions incorrectly.
  • #3617 sofuwoodo
    Here are the questions I have encountered and their answers:

    Dog years are the same for all dogs. - FALSE

    A cat is a type of dog. - FALSE

    A dog generally has 4 legs. - TRUE

    A dog is an animal. - TRUE

    A dog is as smart as a 2 year old child. - TRUE

    A dog that's wagging his tail is happy - FALSE

    A dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's - FALSE

    A dry nose means illness - FALSE

    A good dog won't bite - FALSE

    A humans ears are in fact better at hearing than a dogs. - FALSE

    All dogs have different noses. - TRUE

    All puppies are born deaf. - TRUE

    Chihuahuas are born with a soft spot in their skull which closes with age. - TRUE

    Chocolate can be fatal for dogs - TRUE

    Dalmatians are born completely white - TRUE

    Dogs are colorblind. - FALSE

    Dogs are direct descendats of wolves - TRUE

    Dogs are never jealous. - FALSE

    Dogs can actually drive cars. - FALSE

    Dogs can hold their breath for 15 minutes. - FALSE

    Dogs can learn more than 1,000 words - TRUE

    Dogs cannot dream. - FALSE

    Dogs generally like cats. - TRUE

    Dogs have a sense of time - TRUE

    Dogs heat up more quickly than humans - TRUE

    Dogs like to poo facing north or south. - TRUE

    Dogs only have sweat glands in their paws. - TRUE

    Dogs sniff butts to learn about each other - TRUE

    Every US president has owned a dog. - FALSE

    Food will motivate any dog - FALSE

    Greyhounds can beat cheetahs in a longer distance race. - TRUE

    Human blood pressure goes down when petting a dog - TRUE

    Humans can aste more than dogs. - TRUE

    If a guy has a dog with him, he's three times more likely to get a girl's phone number. - TRUE

    Lassie was the first animal in the Animal Hall of Fame - TRUE

    Like humans, dogs have one eyelid per eye. - FALSE

    More baths means a cleaner dog - FALSE

    Obesity is dogs' number one health problem - TRUE

    One dog year is seven human years - FALSE

    Over 50% of people put pets in family and holiday portraits. - TRUE

    Puppies are able to see when they are born. - FALSE

    Table scraps are fine for a dog to eat - FALSE

    The Australian Shepherd is not actually from Australia - TRUE

    The oldest dog lived to be 35 - FALSE

    The smallest ever dog was just 3.8 inches tall. - TRUE

    The St. Bernard is the heaviest dog breed. - TRUE

    There are around 900 million dogs in the world - TRUE

    There are over 200 million pet dogs in the U.S. - FALSE

    Three dogs survived the Titan - TRUE
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