Amazing Superhero Squad

Amazing Superhero Squad 奖杯列表

白1 金8 银6 铜5 总20


Amazing Superhero Squad

白1 金8 银6 铜5 总20

#1 Amazing Superhero Squad Platinum

Good job! Completed all tasks!

#2 Super-alfa

Finish all the events of the plot

#3 One-day hero

Successfully accomplish all the events of the day

#4 Depressive super

Successfully accomplish the events aimed at getting the super out of depression

#5 Detective

Hire a detective

#6 New character!

Hire a new super

#7 Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist

Accumulate more than 80,000 credits at the end of the day

#8 Shortage of staff

Distribute all supers to events

#9 The best partner!

Send compatible characters to the event

#10 Not a match

Send non-compatible characters to the event

#11 Super-solution

Open 1 exotic solution

#12 Squeezed lemon

Successfully complete the first week plot

#13 Corporate rats

Successfully complete the second week plot

#14 Tom Stiller

Successfully complete the third week plot

#15 Stupid death

Lose a superhero at an event

#16 The Rat King

Fail rat invasion mission

#17 Ignorer

Ignore 10 events

#18 Staff turnover

Hire 5 sups

#19 You are fired!

Fire the super

#20 Problem solved!

Solve the super's problem