Mushroom Savior

Mushroom Savior 奖杯列表

白1 金11 总12


Mushroom Savior

白1 金11 总12

#1 Mushroom Savior

Saved by the mushroom!

#2 Mushroom King

Small step for the king, but big for the mushroom nation!

#3 Box in a hole!

Well, it is a box in a hole

#4 Rescuer

Save one mushroom

#5 Smart

Solve first 10 levels

#6 Portals

Teleport a box

#7 Explosion

You love explosions, don't you?

#8 Golden Key

Get the golden key

#9 Secret Crystal 1

Find the secret crystal at level 5

#10 Secret Crystal 2

Find the secret crystal at level 6

#11 Secret Crystal 3

Find the secret crystal at level 7

#12 Secret Crystal 4

Find the secret crystal at level 9