A Time Traveller's Guide To Past Delicacies

A Time Traveller's Guide To Past Delicacies 奖杯列表

白1 金11 总12


A Time Traveller's Guide To Past Delicacies

白1 金11 总12

#1 A Time Traveller's Guide To Past Delicacies Platinum

Good job! Completed all tasks!

#2 Hot Tamales

They're red hot

#3 First Review

Join a diverse community of foodies and scavengers

#4 The Dawn of Everything

Don't believe the archeologists

#5 Peanut oil for the masses

Greasing the wheel of progress

#6 Elite Reviewer

Raiding the past, one review at the time

#7 Natural Salt

No love for the Sock

#8 Sheeple Stew

A classic dish reinvented for the 21st century

#9 Kelloggenics

A brave new world for the chosen few

#10 Review Ambassador

It tastes bitter after a while

#11 Those Landscapes of Fire

Ancient ghosts haunting your plate

#12 One last review

An aftertaste of sand and ash