CROSSBOW: Bloodnight

弩弓:血夜 奖杯列表

金4 银4 铜2 总10


CROSSBOW: Bloodnight

金4 银4 铜2 总10

#1 Sigil of Light

You have stood your ground and your weapon received the blessing of heavens.

#2 Sigil of Darkness

You have proven yourself to be a merciless killer and your weapon received the blessing of hell.

#3 Sigil of Balance

You have found in yourself the balance between the light and the dark.

#4 Great Rite of Banishment

You have faced The One from Beyond and lived.

#5 Slayer

Slay 100 foes.

#6 Assassin

Slay 300 foes.

#7 Butcher

Slay 600 foes.

#8 Executioner

Slay 1000 foes.

#9 Inhuman Precision

Slay at least 150 foes while having accuracy of 70% or higher

#10 Ungodly Precision

Slay at least 350 foes while having accuracy of 70% or higher.